The Breakroom is a game-based desktop interface designed to encourage remote workers to take healthy frequent breaks during their day. The Breakroom aims to facilitate breaks through a gamified approach, encouraging remote workers to interact with their coworkers in a fun and professional way.

The Breakroom is a game-based desktop interface designed to encourage remote workers to take healthy frequent breaks during their day. The Breakroom aims to facilitate breaks through a gamified approach, encouraging remote workers to interact with their coworkers in a fun and professional way.

The Breakroom is a game-based desktop interface designed to encourage remote workers to take healthy frequent breaks during their day. The Breakroom aims to facilitate breaks through a gamified approach, encouraging remote workers to interact with their coworkers in a fun and professional way.



Since the Covid-19 pandemic, working from home is now a prevalent characteristic of many. Working from home can be a luxury and has allowed for several to adapt a healthy work life balance; however, working from home has also led to the common development of remote workers feeling isolated.

The Breakroom strives to help combat the feeling of isolation by providing a space where remote workers can go to reconnect with their coworkers in easy and fun ways - a lot like a digital 'break room.'



Interviews & Surveys

Interviews & Surveys

We interviewed 6 different remote workers about their habits and how they feel in their remote work environment.

Our Users included:

User 1: 25, Researcher, Hybrid
User 2: 19, Student, Hybrid
User 3: 23, Software Engineer, Remote
User 4: 49, Software Trainer, Remote
User 5: 21, UX Designer, Remote
User 6: 21, Program Manager Intern, Remote

We also surveyed 96 participants to gather more general data related to remote working habits.

Through these studies and affinity mapping exercises, we were able to empathize with our users' day-to-days and develop insights that aligned with our previous research.

Narrowed Focus

Our Narrowed
Focal Points ^

Breaktime: Remote break times are often inconsistent and it can be difficult to self motivate healthy break habits. Intentional breaks are effective in refreshing workers. 

Coworker Interaction: Lack of casual and spontaneous interactions over remote work makes it harder to feel a sense of connection at work. People are only available for normal/scheduled interaction rather than "water cooler talk" that often casually grows friendships at work.

Refined Design Direction

Refined Design Direction

Refined Design Direction

The Breakroom will be a gamified platform that helps remote workers structure their workday to include healthy, restful breaks. It will encourage them to prioritize their social emotional health, to form better relationships with their coworkers, and to improve their mental health through the implementation of gamification.

User Flow & Lo-Fi Wireframes

User Flow & Lo-Fi Wireframes

User Flow & Lo-Fi Wireframes

Participatory Research

Before designing a Lo-fidelity prototype, we conducted a series of participatory research workshops through Figjam.​​ Our workshop consisted of several phases of digital interactive "worksheets" for users to complete in order to direct us in our design decisions. We were able to determine what game styles were appropriate for our design.




Where to Next?